Carie's Stories (Colored)

So I finally got around to adding color to my illustration titled Carie's Stories! The illustration depicts my sister, Carie surrounded by imagery of her favorite stories. From left to right...Ramona Flowers (Scott Pilgrim), Howl's Moving Castle, Airship (Castle In the Sky), The Shire (The Hobbit), Hogwarts(Harry Potter), Nobody Owens (The Graveyard Book), Dany's Dragon Eggs (Game of Thrones), Yuki & Kyo (Fruits Basket), Kazul (Dealing with Dragons). Everything is surrounded by the Two Trees of Valinor (The Silmarillion).


Here are a few details:

cariedet2(Howl's Moving Castle)

carstoriesdet3(Shire, Airship & Hogwarts)



hot air balloon


Hi Everyone! Here is a new whimsical illustration I finished last night. I've done a few Hot Air Balloon drawings before and always loved the theme.  I  experimented with Ink, watercolor and prismacolor. I also got the chance to try out my new Epson scanner...which I love!

I also wanted to thank everyone who has followed my blog so far! I reached over 100 followers since starting this blog this past summer! Thanks so much!


Bowties are cool

doctor Here is a mixed-media portrait of the 11th Doctor I worked on this past summer. I had planned on doing a portrait of week...and would still like to make that a goal of mine. Any suggestions as to whom I should draw next???